On BBC London with Yasmeen Khan to discuss the following News Items -
On BBC London with Yasmeen Khan to discuss the following News Items -
1 The Western Press is Now the PR wing of the Islamic State Spiked
2 Eve Standard London Clubbers to be breathalysed
(Even Slcater St Stalls TEN daytime til 6pm etc) -
3 The Times Sat Whats Wrong with heated debate, you ninnies?
(and the Report that they site in it)
Gagging for It - Rape not allowed if Drunk? Mirror
Special on Ukraine :
4 - Guardian Timothy Garton Ash Guns needed
5 Mary Dejevsky in the Independent - dont look it at like another COld War
Broader context in Foreign Affairs by John Mearsheimer
Prof'r Poli'l science, Chicago Uni
A 4 way call seems to be planned with Putin and leader of Ukraine http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/06/merkel-hollande-putin-ukraine-talks-moscow
but many same old ideas prevail:
WSJ on USA views, supplying weapons to Ukraine etc http://www.wsj.com/articles/hollande-merkel-aim-for-peace-deal-in-moscow-1423211775